Helping Hand AT Work

Hello all,

What an amazing Saturday we had last week! We gutted and reorganized the storage space at Ramoth Road, cleared out the storage unit on 610, took nonessential things to Goodwill, recycling or the landfill, and still managed to make four pickups of donated items and five deliveries to families in need.

It was not only a tremendously productive day, but was done with such great spirit and teamwork. It made me really proud and joyous just to be associated with you fellas. A special shout out and big thank you to Curt Herring, John Harper, Brian Hubbard, Ryan Long and Cameron, Mark Wilson, Tom Coe, Tom Way, John and Joe.

We are now set up to move forward with our mission thanks to you.

This Saturday, we’ll be picking up a table and bed, and also a lot of stuff from one home in Spotsylvania that we can use to immediately help families who are now on the floor. We also have things at Ramoth that we can use to help those in need this weekend.

If you would like to join us and be part of this mission to help families in the greater Fredericksburg area who could use a helping hand right about now, we will meet at 9 a.m. on Saturdays at the Mount Ararat Baptist Church annex, 42 Toluca Road (the yellow house set back about 40 yards from the road, across from the main church parking lot). From there we will move out in many directions.

As always, if you are planning to come, it helps to know ahead of time to plan logistics. Just reply “I’ll be there” to the weekly Helping Hand email notice, or go to our Helping Hand Ministry Page and put a note on the contact page.  Please let us know if you will be bringing a truck or trailer. All volunteers are welcome, however.

To God be the glory. His blessings are quite apparent each and every week.

Kent Miller
Helping Hand

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