What a story we have to tell about our Firewood Ministry’s workings.   We were running our of wood to split and praying that one of our commercial firewood donators would come up with a generous wood donation for this weekend.  Our prayers were answered.  There were 7 churches represented at the firewood lot today (17 January 2015) with 32 volunteers who collectively worked over 100 hrs. It began small with a 1/2 cord of new wood that had been split during the week and a handful of small logs to be split.  But somehow by the end of the day, 9 large deliveries (5.5 cords) went out to families and at least 4 solid cords were cut and stacked for future use, not to mention a new pile of wood is now available to be next weekend. It was nothing short of a miracle. Even as a child I wondered what it must have looked like when Jesus multiplied the loaves and fishes. Today I witnessed Gods amazing glory as he turned a small pile of wood into an abundant blessing.

Thank-you God for today and everyday.

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